COLONOMICS raw data download

A permanent copy of this data can be found in the Digital Diposit of the University of Barcelona with handle

cite the colonomics project if you use the data


data matrix U219 array

data matrix probes summarized at gene level

Also available at GEO as GSE44076

Online exploration available at CLX Expression Browser


data matrix raw counts

Online exploration available at CLX Expression Browser Search micro-RNAs as miR-

Somatic mutations

data matrix


data matrix


data matrix 450K normalized beta values as round(1000*beta) annotation characteristics of filtered CpGs

Clinical annotation of samples

data matrix

Raw data

Raw files for protected data can be accessed through EGA under accession number EGAS00001002453.

You can access a copy of the Data Access Policy here.

SNP prediction models for TWAS & MWAS

Predictdb models can be found in Zenodo